Tag Archive | funny

Really Weird Place Names: Missouri

Although not a native, as I’m one of ‘those’ Yankees… Worse yet that even after 25+ years ‘here’ I’m still considered,. even on the rare occasion, to this day  being publicly proclaimed (albeit done in fun and only by those close enough to get away with it 😉 ), a ‘damned Yankee’: Because I stayed… Lol

Now to get back on point here…

I just came across this funny, yet true, blog post regarding Missouri which has several references back to the Bootheel (the topic originating my net-search)

Even though I could SO expound and expand on several of these not so secret ‘secrets’ of my Missouri Bootheel I’ve asked more than once myself. I was relocated here from the State of Illinois (by the way there is no ‘noise’ in Illinois…we are a quiet yet stealthy people taught in the ways of  Chief Illini) where I’d lived the majority of my accumulated 20 life years at that point. To say I experienced culture shock would be an understatement. As, I say this with complete sincerity and adoration when I say that, there is no other place so unique as My Bootheel.. anywhere.

This is absolutely delightful questioning of the obvious that just can’t be read without a smile, and just maybe even a bit of a chuckle, by ANYONE who has ever been both honored and blessed to have ever set foot in God’s Country.

A Citizen of the Bootheel of Missouri:
Where there’s ONLY one Hill and and you give directions for anywhere headed North with words ‘just go over “The Hill” ‘

Really Weird Place Names ~ Missouri

Cliff Blogger since September 2011


Willoweagle ♥